We want to make sure you get maximum return on your investment at EMITT. Find out our below tools below to make sure your brand is seen and your exhibition experience is as seamless as possible.
Exhibitor Tools
Exhibitor Portal
Find all information about the exhibition by logging into the Exhibitor Portal.
Company Profile
Start filling out your company profile to attract visitors to your stand.
Create and print your wxhibitor badges via the Exhibitor Portal.
Technical Services
Order the technical services required for your stand and access other important technical information.
ICA Connect App
Connect and schedule meetings with tour operators, buyers, and more from around the world through a single app.
Check List
Check out the checklist for final preparations before the event.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Gain an edge over your competitors by taking advantage of digital or physical sponsorship opportunities at the event.
About Events
Review the event calendar to stay updated on industry innovations and expand your professional network.